Your Own Master Detoxifier
At least once a week, I am asked about detoxing. I, myself, have tried just about everything there is for cleansing the body: complete fasting,
What’s the Difference Between a RN and a NP?
I get asked this question all of the time and I often think people don’t understand the role of a Nurse Practitioner. Let’s clear this
5 of My Favorite Herbs to Grow
As I sit here typing, there is a light spring rain. My little garden seedlings look green and happy for the drink. It was a
Should I Take a Probiotic?
This is a very common question I hear in my professional life, as well as in my personal life. We know that we have bacteria
Design Good Health
I recently read the book, Start with Why by Simon Sinek. I am always looking for ways to help me inspire my patients to make positive
Computer Time Makes Muscles Burn
Have you ever been sitting at your computer for several hours and then the muscles in your neck, shoulders, upper back, hips start to burn?
How I Made My Brain Work Better
A couple of years ago, my brain was feeling pretty foggy. I felt like I could not concentrate as well as I used to be
You Can Make Your Own Herbal Teas
When using herbs for medicinal purposes, we must prepare them properly. Herbal infusion from leaves or flowers: Use 1 T. dry herbs per cup
Eat Your Spring Lawn
Here in Indiana, we are beginning to see the green return to our lawns. With that green are some important medicinal plants we should not ignore. One of
5 Easy Tips to Help You Feel Healthy this Spring
1. Eat more greens! Begin eating more salads and other greens of the season, such as kale, collards, and broccoli. 2. Skin brushing. Use a loofah or natural bristle brush to