Sensational Summer Health Part 1

As we approach the summer solstice this coming weekend, it is a good time to think about summer health. In Chinese medicine, the element of summer is fire.  It is a time of expansion and warmth when we can experience the most love and joy.  The first thing we need to make sure to do during the summer is have as much fun as possible.  This does not mean overloading ourselves with every fun activity that comes our way, but doing things that bring us genuine joy.  Don’t do things because you feel like you should, but do them because you truly want to and then enjoy yourself fully.


As the weather becomes warmer, our diet must become more cooling.  Focus your food choices on leafy greens, fruits and vegetables in season, and lighter proteins, such as chicken and fish.  Avoid heavy sauces, gravies, and rich meats.  When we eat heavy foods in the summer, we can feel clogged and weighted down. Eating frequent, light meals and snacks ensures that we will have energy for all the fun outdoor activities of summer. I know you already know this, but are you doing it?


Summer is the season of the heart and small intestine.  Signs that your small intestine needs a little tune-up include slow digestion, abdominal pain, and watery stool.  If your digestion could use a little help, try a seed tea, such as fennel or fenugreek. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over about 1 tsp. of seeds and let steep covered about 10 minutes.  Drink 1-2 cups daily for a few days to get your digestive juices flowing and expel any toxins that accumulated during the winter months.  In other words, we are adding a little summer fire to keep things moving.  If you have excess fire, such as burning with BM or urination, cool things down with hibiscus flowers and peppermint.


Signs that your heart element needs a little heating up, include feeling a lack of energy or joy, nasal congestion, coolness of the extremities despite the weather, and sexual dysfunction.  Add ginger, cayenne, mustard greens, cauliflower, and cabbage to your diet.  If your heart element is in excess, you may be feeling excess anger, frantic energy, anxiety, and sleep disturbance.  Cool things off with foods like cucumbers, broccoli, zucchini, and asparagus.


One of my favorite things to make in the summer months is herbal sun tea.  The sun will infuse the herbs with the energy of life, happiness, and positivity.  Look around your yard and garden and use what is around you. Some good choices of herbs for sun tea include: peppermint, hibiscus flowers, lemon balm, red clover blossoms, chamomile, and rosemary.  Add orange or lemon peels for extra delicious flavor.  In the morning, add your herbs to a glass jar and fill with your best water.  Cover with a lid and set in a sunny place for the day.  When the sun starts to go down, strain your herbs and enjoy your tea.


Whenever the season changes, I like to reflect on the past season, and strengthen my body for the next season. Keeping the body balanced appropriately for the season will allow for the best energy, mood, and health.  Take a few minutes to think about some subtle changes you can make.  Happy Solstice!


Please share this post with your friends and family and let me know in the comment section what you are going to do to make your transition into summer the smoothest.


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