Here in Indiana, we are beginning to see the green return to our lawns. With that green are some important medicinal plants we should not ignore. One of the first spring green plants to arrive is dandelion. Yes, those pesky plants that seed so easily and many work very hard to eradicate. Dandelions are full of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A, C, and K and are good sources of calcium, potassium, iron and manganese. They are very bitter, thus they increase bile flow from the liver and gallbladder to help relieve whole body congestion and improve digestion. The leaves can be eaten raw in salads, cooked in olive oil, added to your green smoothie, or made into an infusion, or sun tea. For smoothies, I really love the Nutribullet! It works great and is less expensive than other strong blenders.
Dandelion Leaves
Another plant that grows abundantly in this area is violet. Violet leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A and C. Violet is known to be a blood purifier and cleanser for the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that rid the body of toxins and wastes. Taking violet after winter may assist the body to cleanse any leftover toxins for a more energetic spring. When harvesting, you can use the whole plant, or just the leaves and the top of the stem. The thin roots are particularly known to be powerful for lymph cleansing.
Violet Leaves
In my yard, I also have a plant many consider a pesky weed, Cleavers. Cleavers have been used historically for the lymphatic system. They are known to drain swollen glands and cleanse the system. They have long been used to treat skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis and as an external poultice for wounds and sores. They have also been used to soothe irritation in the bladder. Another great spring herb!
Save the environment and the plants, and don’t spray your yard! Always be sure you are harvesting from a clean area. I let my dandelions grow like crazy and use them all season long. In fact, I blow the seeds around my garden. I also let the violets grow and use them as a ground cover around my other herbs. Please be absolutely sure of the identification of plants before taking them internally and see your physician for health issues. This is not mean to be medical advice, simply thoughts about additions to your diet. Be sure to read my post, Drink Your Spring Lawn, to find out how to turn these plants into a sun tea.
Isn’t it cool that each season we are given just what we need. We just have to pay attention and take advantage!
Want to learn more about how to add more herbs to your regular life? Join the next session of my e-course, Health Transformations. It starts May 1st and will only be available at this price for this session. Join now and do it as you can.
Let your friends know about all of this good stuff, too!
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